Can You Shave A Newfoundland?
If you’re wondering why shaving your Newfoundland won’t keep them cool – or perhaps you’re thinking that shaving might reduce shedding – then read on before you make a big mistake!
Improve your Newfie’s behavior with my top Newfie training tips.
If you’re wondering why shaving your Newfoundland won’t keep them cool – or perhaps you’re thinking that shaving might reduce shedding – then read on before you make a big mistake!
Does living in an apartment mean you can’t have a Newfie? The good news is that I think Newfoundlands can be good apartment dogs. There are just some things you need to consider in order to make sure they stay healthy and happy.
A good service dog is calm, energetic (though not hyperactive), friendly towards people and other animals, and easy to train.
In this post, I share my personal view on whether a Newfie like Sariah would make a good service or therapy dog.
Would I recommend adding a Newfoundland to your family? Absolutely, I would. You just need to know what you’re getting into…