Hi, I’m Brian, and this is my Newfie, Sariah.
I live in New England with my partner, Karen, and together we have four dogs: three Newfoundlands and a cattle dog.
What attracted me to the Newfoundland breed is their gentle and silly playful demeanor, their loyalty, and of course how gorgeous they are.
I’ll never forget my first “up close and personal” meeting with a Newfoundland. I was in awe of their size and just how stunning they are.
My first Newfie came to me in 2004 and her name was Skyla. She was a black female Newfoundland and she was responsible for my continued love for this breed.

Skyla gave me three specific gifts:
- The gift of photography. She sat for literally thousands of photos and videos allowing me to perfect my craft.
- The gift of friendship. I’m actually quite amazed at the number of people (and pets!) we’ve interacted with and became good friends with because of Skyla. I would never have crossed paths with many of these people if it weren’t for her, including some who have become friends for life.
- The gift of companionship. We managed to go on quite a few adventures while Skyla was here. We hiked and explored trails throughout New England. We were regular visitors to Lake Massabesic. We camped in the woods at Bar Harbor, Cape Cod, New Hampshire and many more places. We swam in rivers and the oceans at Cape Cod, Hampton beach, Rye Harbor and Maine. We sat atop Cadillac Mountain at Acadia National Park several times to take in those breathtaking views. We sat outside and looked up at that that rising full moon, and yes of course we photographed it! Skyla and I went “out and about” more times than I can count.
Through Newf Nation, I hope to continue on my Newfie journey and share my knowledge and experience with other Newfie owners.
I’d like to thank you spending some time here at Newf Nation. If you find some useful information here, please do me a favor and share it on social media or any other way. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have anything to ask or share with the community. Thank you!