Side on view of my Newfound, Sariah

Welcome to Newf Nation!

This is my beloved Newfoundland, Sariah and I’m Brian K. Brown.

Newf Nation is your go-to resource for everything Newfoundland dog-related. I’m Brian K. Brown, and I’ve been deeply immersed in the Newfoundland community since 2004. My passion for these gentle giants led me to create this platform, a place dedicated to helping Newfoundland owners and prospective Newfoundland parents ensure their beloved companions live a healthy, happy, and safe life.

Top Posts

Newfoundland with family in a boat

Are Newfies Good Family Dogs?

Would I recommend adding a Newfoundland to your family? Absolutely, I would. You just need to know what you’re getting into… Read more

Newfoundland with thick fur

Do Newfoundlands Shed?

Find out whether Newfies shed and how to prepare for to handle your Newfies shedding at every stage of their lives. Read more

Sariah wearing yellow neckerchief

How Much Do Newfies Eat?

Newfies may be big dogs, but that doesn’t mean you need to feed them enormous amounts of food. Read more


Improve your Newfie’s behavior with my top Newfie training tips.


Look after your Newfie’s health and help them enjoy a long, happy life.


Feed your Newfie a balanced diet that will satisfy their tastebuds and keep them fit and strong.

  • Sariah wearing yellow neckerchief

    How Much Does A Newfoundland Eat?

    The Newfoundland is a notoriously large dog with a notoriously large appetite! However, this doesn’t mean that you need to feed your Newfie enormous amounts of food every day. 

    Read more…

Newfoundland Dog Resources

Welcome to our Newfoundland Dog Resources area! As passionate Newfie enthusiasts, we understand the importance of having access to reliable and informative resources. Whether you’re a seasoned Newfoundland dog owner or just starting your journey with these gentle giants, this page is a curated collection of links to reputable Newfoundland clubs and organizations.

Featured Links:

  1. Newfoundland Club of America (NCA) – The NCA is dedicated to the betterment of the Newfoundland Dog breed. Their website offers a wealth of information on breed standards, health, and rescue efforts. Visit NCA
  2. Newfoundland Club of New England (NCNE) – A regional club focused on promoting the health and welfare of Newfoundlands in New England. They offer resources on training, events, and breed-specific advice. Visit NCNE
  3. That Newfound PlaceThat Newfoundland Place Inc. is a nonprofit corporation organized and operated exclusively for charitable purposes.  Specifically, this organization has been formed to prevent cruelty to animals. Our mission is to offer quality of life to senior dogs of various breeds, to assist in rescue, rehabilitation, and re-homing of dogs in need, with a focus on Newfoundland dogs, and to provide humane education as related to care and life quality of animals. Visit That Newfoundland Place
  4. National Newfoundland Rescue – National Newfoundland Rescue Inc. was founded by a group of Newfoundland Rescue volunteers with a combined total of over 60 years of rescue experience. After working with breed club and other rescues for many years, it became apparent that there were still holes in the rescue community that needed to be filled, primarily in the areas where they don’t have a local Breed Club Rescue, or in cases where there is a Newfoundland Mix in need (most of the regional clubs only accept purebred Newfoundlands). With this in mind, National Newfoundland Rescue was born! Visit National Newfoundland Rescue

We hope you find these resources helpful in your journey with your Newfoundland dog. Remember, being part of the Newfie community is about sharing knowledge, experiences, and the love we have for these magnificent dogs. If you have suggestions for other valuable resources, feel free to contact us!

Brian and his Newfie Sariah

About Us

Hi, I’m Brian, and this is my Newfie, Sariah.

I live in New England with my partner, Karen, and together we have four dogs: three Newfoundlands and a cattle dog.

Through Newf Nation, I hope to continue on my Newfie journey and share my knowledge and experience with other Newfie owners.

Find out more about Brian and his Newfies…